California gay flag

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Interactive: A guide to pride flags and whom they representįor months, a discussion about just what flag should fly from the pole located at Harvey Milk Plaza at Castro and Market streets has provoked strong feelings. The ongoing movement to reconsider, and sometimes remove, some public monuments and artworks has taken aim at what many agree are outdated and problematic symbols: Confederate generals, Christopher Columbus and Junipero Serra, to name a few.īut Gilbert Baker’s rainbow Gay Pride Flag? Stephen Lam/Special to The Chronicle 2020 Show More Show Less Jerry Telfer Show More Show Less 4 of4Ī protester wearing a cat mask looks from a balcony while holding a rainbow flag as protesters march on Polk Street during the People’s March celebrating Pride and protesting against racial injustice, police violence, unjust healthcare and inadequate unemployment relief in San Francisco on June 28, 2020. Lea Suzuki/The Chronicle 2015 Show More Show Less 3 of4 Leah Millis/The Chronicle 2016 Show More Show Less 2 of4Ī person standing reaches up to touch a rainbow flag covering the entrance at City Hall on Jin San Francisco after the Supreme Court’s decision that gays and lesbians have the constitutional right to marry nationwide. Marchers carry a giant transgender flag during the annual Trans March from Dolores Park to the Tenderloin on Jin San Francisco.

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